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About Us

About Us

After many years in the commercial and residential heating/air conditioning trade, Ron Badley noticed the newer high efficiency heating and A/C equipment efficiency gains were still being lost through poor quality windows.  This was experienced firsthand when winter came to Reno in 1989.  Ron and his new wife and young son were suffering cold drafts and high heating costs within their vintage 1940 brick house.

The old single pane, steel frame crank out windows needed help! What to do?

The first generation of EnergySavr Window Inserts were born from a need to keep Mother and son happy and warm, but also a need to save serious money on the heating bills.

Consider this: even better quality dual pane windows have an R-value of 3 or less. Single pane windows are much worse. Not considering air infiltration, a single pane window will have an r-value of less than 1! It is truly an attempt to heat the outdoors! No wonder our houses feel so cold and drafty! These inferior windows are mostly to blame for the sky high heating costs during the winter and A/C costs during the summer.

As time went on, friends and neighbors requested their own Window Inserts from Ron. The prospect of an affordable high performance window insulation business seemed to be calling. 

In 2001 Zip! Window Warmers was formed. With minimal local advertising in the Reno area, many Window Inserts were installed to satisfied customers and friends. Ron felt he was onto something, the product basically sold itself.   He needed help to grow further.

In 2004 Eric Swanson became that help Ron was looking for.  A friendship and business partnership developed between Ron and Eric and EnergySavr Window Inserts was launched in 2005 with Zip! Window Warmers rebranded and a new website www.windowinserts.com  developed to reach the broader national market.

Since 2004 many developments have taken place at EnergySavr Window Inserts. Further development of the manufacturing process allowed for better consistency and increased ease and rate of production. Ongoing changes were implemented to create an easier, more user friendly website and ordering system.

In 2009 EnergySavr Window Inserts were featured in an energy saving segment of The Today Show. This helped create further demand for this excellent product.

During the last few years tens of thousands of EnergySavr Window Inserts have been delivered to thousands of satisfied customers.

We want to include you in our happy reviews page! Measure and order today! Start experiencing comfort and savings with EnergySavr Window Inserts.